Sunday, May 13, 2012

TED TALKS & The Internet The Universal Equalizer?

The first TED TALK that I reviewed was by Chris Anderson whose presentation was very easy to follow along with and kept my attention with the use of the visual aids that he used and well placed humor so to keep my mind from drifting during his speech by tricking my mind into not registering his presentation as a lecture, he made his points very well and backed them up with proof by the video at the end of his lecture with the TED group from Kibera Kenya Africa ,that literally almost brought me to tears by seeing the influence not just TED talks has but technology and the Internet on all corners of the world. We have many examples of how the internet is used negatively and I have been guilty of highlighting some of these here on this blog but this TED TALK provides a great example of the great things that the growth of the Internet has provided and made possible another example is that it has made it possible for me to work toward my graduate degree and write this blog and make it available to the entire world. This I believe makes the internet a less scary place for presenting your ideas and reminds me of how great this platform can be when used in a positive and productive way.

Another of the most interesting TED TALKS BEST OF THE WEB I have seen was a brief presentation by Bobby McFerrin gave at the World Science festival in 2009 to be amazingly insightful and visually appealing, not that the other TED Talks are not. The way he engaged the audience and got them involved in the process with integrating music was very refreshing and providing proof that music, as I have long expected is a universal language.

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