Sunday, October 28, 2012

Analytics & Digital Marketing

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While digital platforms continue to progress and become a mainstay in changing the way entertainment companies do business, it is now more important than ever to have a vast understanding of how to reach your target market. One of the tools that are available today for all businesses whether it is a small, large or startup is Google analytics. This tools as free and can save a company tremendous time and money when it comes to marketing a product, whether that product be music, artist, games or film. The online platform makes it easy for companies to track visitors to their site.

Google analytics are useful to provide your company with vast amounts of information and reports as well as help you make informed decisions when it comes to designing your web site and the content within your page.  Some of the reports that are provided to administrators to monitor their site efficiency are,

  1. Top Content 
  2. Average Time on Site 
  3. Goal Conversion Data 
  4. Site Search 
  5. Referring
  6. Map Overlay 
  7.  In-Page

These reports can provide crucial insight into the efficiency of a companies website bye providing information such as how many visitors in a given period frequent your site the average time they stay on your site or a specific page within your site. These reports also supply demographic and geographic locations of the majority and minority of your site’s visitors. These reports can be extremely useful in planning how to spend your marketing dollars along with finding the best areas to put those dollars. Having a good understanding on how and why to apply this tool to your website or webpage can have a huge impact on the success or failure of your website and maybe ultimately the life of your company

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