Sunday, September 2, 2012

Industry Liabilities

These three lawsuits are perfect examples of the current state of the recording industry and even provide a bleak glimpse into it’s future.

The Price fixing lawsuit which involved more then 43 states from around the United States bringing lawsuits to music companies accusing them of ultimately increasing the cost of CD’s from 1995 to 2000 by “subsidizing advertisements for retailers in return for their agreement not to sell CD’s below a certain price”. This case has been settled and to the tune of a payout to 67.4 million dollars an additional 75.7 million of CD’s to US organizations and finally an agreement to discontinue these practices. (Raena Armitage, 2010)

The RIAA lawsuit is a great example of the music industry and other companies continued fight to alleviate the illegal download and use of music as well as the illegal use and distribution of music. The Beastie Boys lawsuit against Monster Energy Corporation is a suite in which they are seeking dues in return of the companies illegal use of their music in a promotional campaign with out prior consent from the band.

All of these cases are very important in their own right and although the outcomes may not be known for all these are huge stepping stones for the rights of not only artist producers and musicians but these cases also are a fight for the rights of the everyday person who love these are artist work. The consumer is often not mentioned as heavyweight labels and artist prepare to do battle on the courtrooms, but this is also a step in the right direction to also preserving their rights, and with the current state of the industry and the continued advancements of technology there is sure to be no shortage of lawsuits to come.

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