Monday, September 24, 2012

Startup & Business Plan Consultation

In consulting my chosen law firm about steps to take in drafting a business plan, I was
given some great advice of which what was shocking to me the majority of the advice was
not about actually writing the plan. I found this to be very informative and have included a
summary of the information below. My business plan and company, as I informed the
lawyer, is based on a company that will include more than one partner and incorporated as
a limited liability corporation.

1. Put it all in writing. If you are partnering with friends, get everything in writing. Meet with
those you are starting the company with and brainstorm all your ideas and then put
someone in charge of managing them (i.e. Business Manager or Chief of Operations) - this
includes everything from company duties, time frames, names of the company, ideas for
products etc. It is important to get everything clearly written down at the beginning so that
everyone knows their duties, responsibilities and what is expected of them. The more
detailed the better.

2. Assign titles, particularly one person should be in charge of all paper work. They should
follow all the financial and complex tax situations as well as documenting everything that
goes on with the business. This person will take the lead in structuring the company and
should administer and maintain all paper work, certificates, fees and taxes.

3. In the beginning your team should meet as often and regularly as possible to insure
productivity. Establish who will lead the meetings and that person should go over the goals
and purposes of the production company with everyone so that you are all on the same
page and revisit these goals on a regular basis to make sure you remain on the same page.
With our company I drafted an Organizational Agreement to clearly state and
determine company work ethic that every partner agrees to as standard policy. After that I
would assign "hats" or titles so everyone is carrying the same load of work during the dayto-
day operation of the company.

4. Up until this point the business manager should have taken lead but now is when the other
hats start taking over regarding their expertise regarding the business. With out company
this was the Music Manager & Visual Media Managers time to take the lead and begin
networking and facilitating options to get business rolling and aware of the company’s

5. Once the ideas and legal paperwork is in place then you focus on how to make money. If
you need start up loans then you should reach out to bankers and other investors who
routinely invest in production companies. Once this is in place then you can focus on
producing your product and generating a profit.

Once you have taken all of these items into consideration in approaching the business plan you should look to consider items and outline.

• Market analysis
• Competition
• Barriers to entry
• Strategic opportunities
• Products & Services offered
• Operation development
• Marketing plan
• Target market
• Marketing Vehicles
• Sales strategy
• Marketing budget
• Financial plan
• Sales projections
• Capital Expenses & Income statement (financials)
• Cash Flow statement & Capital Investments (financials)

These items should be clearly outlined in preparing your business plan.

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