Saturday, October 13, 2012

Digital Downloads & Streaming Data make debut on Billboard Charts

According to Reuters this past Thursday Billboard included sales and streaming data from digital platforms such as Spotify and Rhapsody along with others in their weekly ratings. The entries into the billboard charts included selections from country, Latin and hip-hop music genres but will include all music genres.  Billboard also released a statement that confirmed they would be launching a new chart for the R&B genre of music stating that these songs will now be rated separately from the once all inclusive categories as rap and hip-hop.

Billboard uses the data provided by Nielson SoundScan to calculate their weekly ratings for the top albums and singles in various musical categories. Until recently the Latin, R&B and country music singles were determined mostly by rotation on radio station with that play their respective music.

With the huge impact that digital downloads are having on the industry, it seems long overdue, but better late then never. It seems that the industry is finally adapting to the changes in technology and rewriting their old business plans to account for this new digital media platform and it’s great to t=see Billboard is at the front leading this trend.

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