Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Interview

In 1993, Carl and his partner Manny co-founded Blackbird Entertainment and Carl handled the entire business aspect of the company. In 1996 they sold an astounding 80,000 copies of Manny’s debut EP “Why” throughout Europe- without any major label backing. However, with the visibility of their success growing, the major labels came calling and this lead to an exclusive contract with Virgin Records in the August 1994.

Mr. N’watts was also responsible for brokering a sponsorship for his company with one of Europe’s most exclusive jewelers- Graff- in June 2001. In August 2001, Carl N’watts launched his groundbreaking company November Entertainment Group.

When asked to give an example of how he worked toward mutual benefit when negotiating a deal? He smiled and jokingly replied that he had never considered the other sides feelings then answered seriously that he always made it a habit to find out how a deal would benefit the other person or company in a negotiation he would ask himself what would make him want to agree to this deal if he was in the other parties shoes.

When asked how does he separate the people from the problem when he is negotiating? He replied that this is usually a very difficult thing to do since a lot of times what is being negotiated is an extension of the parties involved and because it is they can get very emotional, but ultimately he says he has to separate the two and if there is someone that he is dealing with who he has had a difficult time with personally he will make it a point to address this at the beginning of the negotiations to get it out of the way and continue on just addressing the issues that are within the contract or deal that they are working on.

When asked about handling positional bargaining tactics?
He replied positional bargaining is something that he hasn’t really had many dealings with because it is not a win or loose situation that he handles in negotiations because the deal has to get done one way or the other if not with them then with another company, but addressing the conflicts that are stipulated within the agreement that is being negotiated is where he keeps his focus.

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